Season’s Greetings from PCAPS!
As we enter the holiday season, we want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to the global community that is tirelessly working to advance polar environmental forecasting and services. Through cutting-edge research, innovation, and collaboration, your dedication makes a significant impact in improving polar research. The energy, ambition, and above all, the altruistic collaborations we have witnessed this year give us confidence that the years ahead will bring even more vital breakthroughs in enhancing human safety and promoting environmental sustainability in the polar regions.
We are also deeply thankful for the rich diversity within the PCAPS team. The varied perspectives, expertise, and backgrounds that span both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, in addition to the different disciplines, career stages, and organizations represented within PCAPS, are truly what make us a holistic team. This rich diversity is a source of pride, and we look forward to nurturing and expanding further collaborations in 2025 and beyond. At PCAPS, we firmly believe that together we are stronger, and we always welcome both new and enduring partnerships.
From the US to New Zealand, December looks very different. Holiday lights aboard the USS Wisconsin meanwhile summer is in full swing in Christchurch. Photo credits: Dina Abdel-Fattah and Daniela Liggett
Next week, we will reflect on many notable achievements from 2024 in our weekly blog post. In the meantime, we want to send warm holiday greetings to all of you, near and far. From our team to yours, we wish you a joyful holiday season filled with happiness, peace, and well-deserved rest!
From Australia to Norway, Santa arrives via boat and sits atop the Norwegian Meteorological Institute. Photo credits: Sue Ross and Morten Andreas Ødegaard Køltzow